The Mission Statement in Graduate Programs


The Mission Statement

The Graduate Programs of the City and Regional cultivate talent, leadership, innovation and action-oriented research in the place making education of civic minded and diverse students. We provide an applied, comprehensive, professional planning education with, community, regional, and global awareness. We prepare planners to develop communities and regions that are socially, ecologically and economically sustainable.

The graduate programs strive for a careful balance between the theoretical, historical, and conceptual knowledge about urban and regional development, while also focusing on the acquisition of practical skills and methods of analysis. The City and Regional Planning Department offers four programs:

  1. Master’s Studies in City and Regional Planning (Turkish)
  2. Master’s Studies in City and Regional Planning (English)
  3. Ph.D. Studies in City and Regional Planning (Turkish)
  4. Ph.D. Studies in City and Regional Planning (English)

Students are admitted to the programs to begin studies in both the fall and the spring terms. Full-time study toward the programs is expected.


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